1865 March

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
      1                 r2.00 2 3                r2.00 4
  6                    r1.958 7                    r1.93 8                    r1.95 9 10 11
12 13 14                r1.85 15 16 17 18
19                r1.6 20 21               r1.62 22                 r 1.50 23 24                r1.50 25
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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

March 4, 1865- President Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated for his second term as president in Washington, DC.

March 11, 1865- Sherman's Army occupies Fayetteville, North Carolina.

March 16 and 19-21, 1865- The Battles of Averasborough and Bentonville, North Carolina. Sherman's army is stalled in its drive northward from Fayetteville
but succeeds in passing around the Confederate forces toward its object of Raleigh.

March 25, 1865-  Attack on Fort Stedman, Peetersburg Virginia. Touted as "Lee's last offensive", Confederate troops under General John B. Gordon attack
and briefly capture the Union fort in the Petersburg siege lines in an attempt to thwart Union plans for a late March assault. By day's end, the southerners have
been thrown out and the lines remain unchanged