This letter was written on April12th, 1863. A black, double circular datestamp “MARSEILLE/12/AVRIL/66/12” indicates it entered the mails the same day. A black cierular (octagonal center) datestamp “MARSEILLE A PARIS/13/AVRIL/66/D” indicates It was on the Marseille to Paris railroad the same day. In Paris, the exchange clerk applied a manuscript “12” in French numerals, indicating a debit of 12 cents to the U.S. for the French share of the 15 cent rate. The letter was sent to Calais as indicated by A black double circular datestamp “PARIS A CALAIS 20/13/AVRIL/66” which was applied on the train to Calais. From Calais, the letter was sent to Queenstown. The letter was placed on the Inman steamer “Etna” which picked up mail on April 16th on its way to New York from Liverpool. The “Etna” arrived in New York on April 30, 1866. The New York exchange clerk applied a black 24mm circular datestamp “N.Y 15 …. /A../..9/OR U.S.19 NOTES” indicating postage due of 15cents un coin or 19 cents due in U.S. notes. There is an obvious error in the date
of this datestamp.