1864 June

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

June 1-3, 1864- Battle of Coldharbour, Virgina. Relentless and bloody Union attacks fail to dislodge Lee's army from its strong line of defensive works northeast of Richmond.

June 8, 1864- Abraham Lincoln is nominated by his party for a second term as president.

June 10, 1864- Battle of Brice's Crossroads, Mississippi - In spite of being outnumbered almost two to one, Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest attacks
and routs the Union command under General Samuel Sturgis.

June 15-18, 1864- Assault on Petersburg, Virginia - After withdrawing from the lines at Cold Harbor, the Army of the Potomac crossed the James River and with
troops from the Army of the James attacked the outer defenses of Petersburg, the primary junction for several southern railroads. After four days of bloody attacks,
Grant accepts that only a siege can systematically isolate the city and cut off Confederate supplies to the capital of Richmond.

June 19, 1864- The USS Kearsarge sinks the Confederate raider CSS Alabama near Cherbourg, France.

June 27, 1864-  Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia. After weeks of maneuvering and battles, Sherman's Army of the Cumberland and Army of the Tennessee
smash headlong into Johnston's carefully planned defenses at Big and Little Kennesaw. Johnston remains on this line until July 2, when he retreats at the threat being
flanked by Sherman's mobile force.
